April 17, 2024

For those calling out “Genocide Joe!”

Do not ignore the cruel or disappointing lessons in our history, lest we repeat them. ⁠

Celebrate progress. ⁠

Avoid overly identifying with self-righteousness in one’s activism. ⁠

Care. Passive love is not love. ⁠

Do not cut nose to spite one’s face, or shoot one’s foot to spite one’s so-called enemy. You know. ⁠

For those calling out “Genocide Joe!”

To those leaving caring and/or self-righteous comments re Israel/Palestine on Biden’s social media accounts.

For those yelling “Genocide Joe,” a vote for Trump will only make things worse for all that you care about.

Hateful comments…are part of the problem. Don’t fuel hate. Shouting about something you care about and love…doesn’t justify hating, and usually (not always) it only strengthens the aggression in our world, fueling that which you hate, building up that which is hurting what you love.

Critical comments are helpful, but be respectful. Criticism can include connecting, sharing, changing minds—not just yelling at supposed enemies, which again just fuels aggression in our world.

For those posting about Palestine/Israel, that’s important. We’ve posted about it many times, including on the night of the first attack by Hamas, and I am sad to say I was proven right in saying that Netanyahu, a hateful would-be dictator, would use the tragic attack to his political power ends.

Still for those making pro-Palestinian online activism part of your identity, there are many other important issues, including other genocides that no one seems to care about. Tibet, Uyghurs…is there a reason so many are silent about those genocides? Are we only fired up about Palestine because our friends are, Chinese and Russian bots are, and social media is?

For those saying they won’t vote for Biden, that’s silly at best, foolish or stupid at worst.

t’s simple: a President “Finish them off” “Rapist/Conman” Trump…

…will be awful for everything you hold dear.

That’s not theoretical. A record number of his own former administration have come out against him.

And we have evidence of his behavior and influence, from when he was President.

Remember the everyday, virulent, harmful racism?


Muslim ban?

Fear-mongering? Lies? Attacks?

Let’s not ignore the cruel or disappointing lessons in our history…lest we repeat them. ⁠

Celebrate progress. ⁠

Avoid overly identifying with self-righteousness in one’s activism. ⁠

Care. Passive love is not love. ⁠

Invest in criticism, dialogue, activism…but do not cut nose to spite one’s face, or shoot one’s foot to spite one’s so-called enemy. You know. ⁠

AOC responds to the question, “What do you say to a young progressive who says they won’t vote for Biden over Gaza?”
byu/crummynubs inthedavidpakmanshow

President Biden has been wonderful on most, and unlike with Trump,l we can push him to push back against Bibi, and advocate to deescalate re Israel/Palestine. I do agree that any support should come with conditions—we should not be fueling a war that has proven callous, or worse, toward civilian casualties and mass starvation. I’ve called what is happening war crimes, because not working to ensure minimum loss of civilian life in war is…criminal.

But if you care about Palestinians, and justice, then work to see Biden win. Trump will hurt more people, more. Voting third party or not voting at all will only help Trump. Then, continue to push Biden to change our longstanding US policy, and do better. He will listen, and if enough of us speak up, not just yell with aggression, then we will effect change. We already have, but it’s not enough.

Trump will not only not listen but kill climate, women’s rights, sensible voting protections, immigration reform, economic stability and general sanity/decency. He will continue to giveaway to the very very rich. Biden for President!

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