May 4, 2024

The Only Quote We Need to Read in Times of Doubt.

{Did you know you can write on Elephant? Here’s how—big changes: How to Write & Make Money or at least Be of Benefit on Elephant. ~ Waylon}


We all have moments of doubt.

I know I do. When I’m tired or feeling helpless, I forget that life is full of ups and downs. I worry that my situation might never improve or that my problems might never melt away.

In other words, I get sucked into life’s inevitable suffering.

When a guy I had been seeing unexpectedly passed away in a car accident, I knew that life was unfair. I was in college, a freshman, and life was just getting started.

Then I also lost my grandmother. I fought with one of my best friends. The “love of my life” broke up with me. I couldn’t find a job. Another “love of my life” broke up with me. I found a job, but I wasn’t happy. I traveled. I was happy. But I stopped being happy when I traveled back home. I traveled again. I was happy again. Met the “love of my life,” again. We broke up. But I fell in love again. I couldn’t find a job. But I eventually did. And…and…and.

This could go on forever, but you get my point. If you think about your own life for a hot second, it might be quite similar to mine.

Because this is life. Sometimes it sucks; other times it doesn’t. It’s constantly changing and moving in different directions, but the only thing that’s constant is how we feel about it:

We feel like things might never, ever, get better.

When life is good, we feel like it might be too good to be true. And when it’s bad, well, we saw it coming, right?

Today I came across a quote by Yung Pueblo on Instagram that made me pause and think:

“FYI…it gets better. You find better. You experience better. You become better.”


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My life hasn’t always been perfect. Even on the days when everything feels flawless, my ego likes to disrupt the perfection in my head.

It hasn’t been certain either. Sometimes it gets messy and it stays messy. But one thing I know for sure is that it always, always, gets better.

Maybe not in the way that I have expected, but life will revamp our days in unexpected and beautiful ways, and that’s everything we need to know when we are in times of doubt.

We can’t tell how life is going to improve, but it will. And it may get ugly first. It may get confusing. We may get lost and we may be sad. But the only thing we can guarantee is that nothing stops life—only we do.


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Elyane Youssef  |  Contribution: 335,040

author: Elyane Youssef

Image: Annie Spratt/Unsplash

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