August 27, 2024

4 Underrated Pillars of a Strong Relationship.

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If you’re married or in a relationship, then you must know by now that maintaining a strong, unbreakable bond takes lots of time and work.

There are many “known” factors that preserve relationships regardless of how many issues might come up, such as respect, appreciation, and responsibility.

However, there are other factors that almost always save our relationships and they’re often underestimated.

We might not give them any importance because we do them without being aware of them. They have become automatic responses to most of our behaviors, but the truth is they’re big. They are all pillars of strong, happy, and healthy relationships.

Sometimes it’s the little things that matter. If we can appreciate them, then we can be grateful for what we have and build meaningful relationships that last for a long time.

Here are four “little” things in our relationships that make a big difference:

1. Moving on. The ability to move on after a disagreement or a fight says a lot about our relationship’s foundation. If it’s sturdy enough then it won’t easily crumble in the face of difficulties. Moreover, being able to forgive and forget even when we are scared of being hurt again means that the love we hold for our partner is stronger than our emotions of bitterness and resentment.

2. Humor. This underrated skill is often overlooked in our relationships. If we can laugh at ourselves or our mundane frustrations, we can significantly decrease the amount of hurt we might inflict or feel. Joking in a light-hearted, good-natured way can add fun to our relationships and contribute to their longevity. However, if we take everything seriously, our connection might suffer in the long run.

3. Kindness. This one is a no-brainer, but if we come to think about it, we’re not always so kind. Especially when we’ve been with someone for a long time, small acts of kindness might slip away, turning us into people who are just living under the same roof. Believe it or not, kindness is at the heart of every successful relationship. So if we wish to build a long-lasting bond, we must integrate more kindness into our day-to-day lives.

4. Faith. Do you believe in yourself? In your partner? In your relationship? In your potential within that relationship? In good things happening in the future? Faith is as important as kindness. To have faith means we believe in the growth of the relationship, even if we don’t always see it. We believe in opportunity, second chances, and possibility. If we want our relationships to flourish, we must always be willing to fall many times, knowing that we can stand up again—stronger than ever.


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author: Elyane Youssef

Image: Dương Hữu/Unsplash

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