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We all have those unfinished projects we keep thinking about…that person we’ve been meaning to call back, that annoying task we’ve been avoiding doing, that relationship that needs some mending.
These open-ended thought loops that live in the back of our head and are stuck in our heart are draining our energy.
Today we are doing to cleanse out everything that is bothering you, anything you think you need to do that you deem a problem, and get clear on what you should really be focusing on, letting everything else go.
In this heart and mind dump, you will be putting everything that you have been storing and holding onto, anything that’s been weighing you down and burdening you, onto paper.
The process of writing down your thoughts, fears, and relentless “to-dos” helps make them tangible and therefore feel more manageable. Writing ignites the process of you seeing clearly what is really going on in that brain and heart of yours, what’s truly bothering you and holding you back.
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This specific process is immensely freeing because it helps you to filter through what is actually important in your life, getting clarity on what you should really be focusing on and what you clearly need to just let go of.
This process will also catapult you to take action in actually getting everything done that you simply have to do. By releasing what is no longer serving you that is causing stress and weighing you down, and taking the steps forward to get sh*t done, you will uncover a new sense of freedom, a feeling of space, lightness, and an inner joy.
This process is so innately rewarding and relieving that it is something you will desire to come back to again and again to keep clearing and filtering and enabling you to create more space in your mind and heart to attract yummy new, more nourishing life experiences.
The heart and mind dump:
1. Mind Dump.
We will start by making a list of all the unfinished loops that you have in the back of your head—the things you’ve been meaning to do.
For example: need to fix broken fridge, been meaning to reconnect with so-and-so, need to organize that one drawer that’s driving me nuts, my friend still owes me $15, and so on.
2. Heart Dump.
Next, we will dig deeper into the heart by making a list of everything that is burdening you, stressing you out, weighing you down.
For example: relationship with my son, fear of being on the wrong path, relationship to food, pressure to be smart, fear of the unknown with where I’m moving, and so on.
3. Now I want you to read through your list and cross off anything that is completely out of your control, that you cannot change.
For example: someone else has control over it, it’s an irrational fear you just need to let go of, it’s something that just needs a little more time, and so on.
Really free yourself from these things! If you sincerely don’t have control over it, then it is not necessary for it to burden you any longer. Any indecisiveness you are having about something, just surrender it up and let it go; it’s not worth holding onto.
4. Lastly, go back through your list and circle everything that you do have control over.
Circle the things you can change, the things you can get done, and let’s make an action plan to actually get this sh*t done, healed, and resolved!
Many of the annoying tasks you’ve been meaning to do don’t actually take that long, so just do them!
Other items you might realize you don’t actually need to do or you don’t care about enough, so in that case simply cross them off and free yourself from them. For example: been wanting to reorganize my music on my phone, but I actually don’t care enough, so I’m just gonna let it go.
There will however also be those items that you will have more resistance toward tackling. These are the big issues in your life that probably matter most and are what you should really be focusing on. They will require a little more attention, patience, and care to resolve.
In the meantime, enjoy having more space in your mind and heart from truly freeing yourself from all that clutter.
Happy dumping!
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