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November 7, 2022

Year of Yoga {Book Excerpt}

Below is an extract from Kassandra’s book, “Year of Yoga: Rituals for every day and every season” , published by Mandala Publishing, Copyright © 2022 by Kassandra Reinhardt, Photo copyright © 2022 by Jessica Hodgson.

Fall Evening Meditation

Body Scan

This season, I’d like to invite you to end your day with a body scan meditation for relaxation. This can be done by sitting on your mat, sitting in a chair, or lying down in bed. The purpose of this guided meditation is to release tension from your body and tune in to the areas that might require a little bit of extra care. Notice sensations as they come and go, and listen to what your body is trying to tell you by noticing the different feelings that arise.

Begin by getting comfortable in either a sitting or lying down position. Close your eyes and breathe deeply in and out through your nose. Focus first on your right foot and move the attention up toward your right thigh, relaxing each muscle along the way. Notice and allow any sensations that might be present in your right leg. Stay here for a few moments before doing the same thing with your left foot and left leg, feeling them get heavier with every breath you take.

If you notice tension in any particular spot, try to breathe into it and imagine the tight-ness being released as you exhale. Once both feet and legs feel relaxed, focus your attention on your hips and pelvis. Soften into this space. Move your awareness up your back and let your belly be heavy and relaxed as you melt into stillness. Feel the entirety of your torso. Try not to label or judge your experience; simply observe and relax.

Focus next on your right shoulder, relaxing the muscles all the way down your arm and into your right hand. Bring awareness and curiosity to any sensations present there. Repeat the same process with your left shoulder, left arm, and left hand. If your mind begins to wander, bring your focus back to your left arm.

Once both arms are fully relaxed, move up toward your neck and head. Soften your facial muscles and your jaw. Feel the weight of your head and the soft flow of your breath through your nose.

Now, feel the entirety of your body. What is your body trying to communicate to you?Where are sensations coming from and what do they feel like? Is there any part of your body that is still trying to tense and tighten? If so, breathe into it and invite it to let go.

Stay here for as long as you wish, enjoying the total body relaxation. You might drift offto sleep or slowly open your eyes to reawaken and resume your evening

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