September 11, 2023

Kimchi Mushroom with Jasmine Saffron Rice. {Recipe}

I watched Kathy’s YouTube as she made this as a sandwich and knew I would make it.

Kathy is a vegan chef.

I have been eating so much white basmati rice and was craving jasmine with saffron threads. So, I ordered baby bellas this morning and added in fresh flat parsley and shredded carrots and cabbage.


Large sauté pan, small pot with lid, imagination, cooking and eating utensils, patience, good lighting, potholder, towels, and humor. Sadly, my cat removal service is no longer needed since Ofelia’s passing last week. Hamlet is fine watching from the floor, although he likes to be behind me and does not speak. Blender or processer.


>> Mushrooms, your choice

>> Kimchi, mild or medium

>> Mayo, I use Follow Your Heart avocado mayo

>> Shredded carrots and cabbage

>> Kimchi juice, hot sauce

>> EVOO or oil of choice

>> Fresh ginger, mineral salt, black pepper, ajwain optional


Clean the countertops and wash your hands. Mise en place all supplies and ingredients in order of use. Measure out the rice into a colander and add the saffron threads and rinse. Place it next to the burner and start the water to boil.

Add mayo, lime, kimchi juice, and hot sauce.

Turn on the other burner and add oil, if using, and ginger. Add the shrooms and kimchi, shredded carrot and cabbage and additional spices.

Check on the rice.

Add mayo, kimchi, and juices to a blender and let her do its magic. The sauce will be creamy and thick.

Plate your food, find a calm pretty place to park your bum and give lots of gratitude. I added Kathy to my gratitude blessing.

As usual, no critters were harmed. One more small win for this tiny blue marble we call Momma Earth.


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