March 6, 2014

6 Smartest Things We Can Do for Ourselves Every Night & Morning.

Photo: Minoru Nitta

Starting the day feeling refreshed, organized, and not in a panic is key if we want the rest of the day to feel generally good.

This is what a nightly preparation might look like:

Spend some time snuggling our pets.

Clear out any parenting to-dos (making lunches, handling school paperwork).

Brush our teeth, wash our face, get into some comfortable PJs.

Sit quietly for 10 minutes. (Meditate, read, or just listen to music.)

What does your evening look like?

I think I’ll be adding a few things to my list, after seeing this:

smartest things

Relephant reads:

How to Efficiently Give Yourself a Heart Attack.

Do Our Lives Truly Nourish Us?

The Importance of Workflow.


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