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Hey, hey, hey, It’s Record Store Day!

1 Heart it! Kate Fleming 131
April 21, 2018
Kate Fleming
1 Heart it! 131

Hey, hey, hey, it’s Record Store Day!

(Author’s note: Please, read in a liquid like voice with the flare of a 1950’s disk jockey.)

“So put your mittens around your kittens and away we go!”  ~ Vince Fontaine from Grease.

Record Store Day

Hey, hey, hey, stop on down

to the vinyl shop in your town

For the latest licks

And the tunes that click.

It’s a-rockin’ 2018,

& cool cats know where to be seen—

Standin’ by those new releases

Where our goose bumps pop & adrenaline increases.

Whether it’s Arcade Fire,

Or Toyah’s “Desire”,

The Police, or The Smithereens,

we know what this day means.

New versions of our favorite tunes

From Zappa & Flume

To Parquet Courts & Phish

These are hits we don’t want to miss.

Fans from Mexico to Japan

From Italy to Ireland

All over Canada, Germany, and Spain

Even Down Under, folks are celebrating the same.

It’s Record Store Day!

Go get some new vinyl to play.

Support the local beats,

And check out this beautiful, new release:

“All I Wanted” ~ Daughter


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1 Heart it! Kate Fleming 131
1 Heart it! 131

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