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Read This When the Nine-to-Five Gets Tough

0 Heart it! Aleksandra Slijepcevic 84
January 25, 2018
Aleksandra Slijepcevic
0 Heart it! 84

I’ve left my heart in




On mountain summits and in rooms for rent,

Between dirt roads and stumps of trees


I’ve freed it in



Infinite and clear,

On peaks and in valleys,

With friends and with no one at all


I’ve forgotten it in hand-holding

soul gazing

timid kisses in the rain,

Under circumstances both

of baby love and grown heartache


I’ve given it away on

cliffs and well below the sea,

In monasteries and cathedrals,

Praying to something new,

In journals stiff and tattered,

In quiet spaces of reflection


Yes, I’ve left my heart in the world,

For the world,

In pieces that will grow with the wild flowers in the rain

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0 Heart it! Aleksandra Slijepcevic 84
0 Heart it! 84

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