September 19, 2016

Let Me Hold your Darkness. {Poem}

Eva Blue/Unsplash

I see your light, and mostly, I see your darkness.

I see the imperfections, the shortcomings,
the impurities that you loathe.
But, I loathe them not.

Keep your sublimity to yourself,
for I don’t need it.
Keep your flawlessness at home,
for I don’t want it.

I wish you would give me a sword,
lead me to the battlefield
where you’re fighting your demons.

I want to fight them,
and conquer them
with you.

Show me your fractured pieces.
Your broken self, your deepest struggles.
I want to make love to them
and kiss them with my soul.

Let me see your darkness,
for I long to hold it close.

Between my arms, it will be transformed to light.
Entrust me with it,
release your worries,
know that it will be abolished.

Let me behold the person you fear becoming,
the dreams you fear reaching.
Drive me to the roads you’re wrestling to take
and to the oceans you’re not embarking upon.

Show me your failures
and I’ll turn them into stars,
show me your insecurities,
and I’ll swallow them whole.

Tell me about the steps you’re worried to take,
I’ll hold your hand
and take them with you.

Give me your doubts,
give me your fears.
I’ll pass them to my discerning soul
and give them back to you thoroughly eradicated.

Read for me the dismal chapters you have written,
and the stories that brought you down.
Let me absorb them.
Let me dissolve their ink.

Unveil the map that leads to your soul,
and the roads that take me to your agony;
I’ll walk them barefoot,
with solely my baggage of faith.

I’m keen to see you at your worst.
I’ll hold your worst,
clench my fists around it
and embrace it.

Come closer to me with your naked soul,
and I’ll dress it with my love.
Nevermind the bruises and the scars
for I have my needle and threads all set to mend them.

Get your face closer to mine,
let me inhale your darkness.
I’ll merge it with mine,
transform it to a dark ball,
destroy it,
and exhale it all white.

And then,

I’ll be holding your light.


Author: Elyane Youssef

Image: Eva Blue/Unsplash 

Editor: Caitlin Oriel

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