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March 5, 2020

Letting Go is a Test of Trust

Let go of what no longer serves you,” is a phrase that’s been buzzing around in recent years. Sure, it seems obvious but can we dive deeper here? Let’s use your home as an example. Soon here, I’m moving from my house into a much smaller space for the summer; after that, I’ll be backpacking for several months. I will have room for very little belongings, and most of them just necessities. Over the years, I’ve collected decor that ornates my space; pieces of self-expression that have personal value and flair. When we move + downsize, we ultimately face the feeling of attachment — I love this dresser, or this painting, or this pillow, thus I must save them. I can’t just “let them go.” We fear getting rid of these pieces means letting go of pieces of our Selves, oftentimes creating a story that they are irreplaceable. This is typically when we decide to rent a storage unit to hold these things that maybe aren’t serving us now, but possibly could in the future.

As someone who has moved across the country, and even world, about half a dozen times, I want to share what letting go of these pieces allows. When I choose to pass on the beautiful bulky pieces that have served me and my nest well, I am not only liberated from the care and concern of these items (energetic attachments) + giving them new life where they are better utilized, but I also instill a sense of Trust✨ When I surrender my personal belongings, I gaze directly into the eyes of the Universe and say, “I Trust You,” and thus, I’m also saying, “I Trust this, I Trust ME.” I give my Self permission to be malleable and ever-changing; I give myself permission to be evolutionary and redefined.

When you Trust yourself, your decisions are empowered & unwavering; they need not second thoughts, doubts or the opinions of others. When you make an empowered decision to move across the world, sell all of your things, and trust that wherever you are headed, you will always be provided for — this makes room for the same to be true when you return. This is where the magic happens ~ when we let go of what no longer serves us, we create S P A C E for what does. Not what served us in the past, or what will serve us in the future — we create space for what serves us RIGHT NOW.

When I surrender the friends or lovers that are no longer supporting my highest Truth yet feel impossible to let go of (at first), the Universe receives the confirmation that I am truly ready to move on — that I have leveled up in my self-worth and have a new standard of self respect and what I deserve. When I choose to hold on to those people, places and things that do not honor my Highest Path, I am surrendering my power and sacred energy. Where you’re attention goes, energy flows — this means the more I hold on to these things that don’t serve me, I am literally (and voluntarily) keeping myself from what does; I’m renting a storage unit for a dynamic that keeps me bogged down and clouded in past versions of Self. But as soon as I let them go (with divine Trust), I feel lighter and liberated. The whole Universe opens up to support me in this new unfolding process. Doors of opportunities, connection and Synchrodestiny fling open, when before, boxes of emotional clutter blocked the way.

When I choose to sell my favorite chair or table, I’m giving myself space and permission to have an even better one find me when I come back and settle into my new home; a piece that will more accurately embody Who I Am in this now. Yet, if I’m too busy clinging to my old furniture, I will never have room for that new chair. Plus, I will have spent probably triple the cost in storage fees and not have the extra cash to purchase it.

This goes the same for people, places and things. If I am clinging to the same person that clearly no longer serves me out of fear of letting go, all of my energetic space will be taken up by them, missing the opportunity to meet someone who is can better fill that space in my heart. Or if I cling to the same house in my home-town out of fear of the unfamiliar, even though my soul is urging me to leave, I will never have the space or money to move to a city or home that better serves and matches my current needs, values, and desires.

We have to be willing to trust, willing to let go, willing to make room for what is already ours, we’re just too cluttered and attached to see it yet. Life is an evolutionary process, and each piece is beautiful and necessary to unveil the next. But we have to be ready to put those pieces down once they’ve served their course, otherwise it gets too heavy, cluttered and exhausting. When we lighten our load of what no longer serves us, we can collect the pieces of what comes next, in all of its unexpected, unfamiliar yet absolutely aligned glory✨

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