April 10, 2020

12 Methods to Move Through Darkness & into Love: COVID-19. 

Right now, we are being stripped of our mundane luxuries—what we thought normal life was.

The entire globe is being forced into awakening—into love. To get through this we must endure unresolved traumas, grief, karma, shadows, and we must come home to our hearts.

Mother Earth is righting herself so we can find true relevance as human beings—so we can find and fulfill our real reason for being here. On the bright side, love is now being found in the stillness, and quiet.

Before, the pollution was everywhere. It was in the skies, on our beaches, and in our ears. It was all around us in the noise we created.

I’ve been told that it takes 21 days to form a new habit and 90 days for transformation, so we can expect great changes and healing. But, it will take work.

We must learn this new way of being in the depths of our hearts and the essence of our souls.

We must think and act with love in our minds. Every single human is affected on the planet. In fact, every animal and living being is being affected and given a chance at freedom.

It’s all coming to the surface so we can heal as a collective. We had become tourists in this life. We were giving in to false pretenses of reality. Now, a new reality is setting in. One we must face.

To see the light we must go through the dark. To see the heart, we must allow the shadows to surface. It is all being revealed now. This is about going back to the natural, divine order of existence.

Try these 12 methods to get through this with grace, ease, and a place of real joy: 

Listening—now that a majority of us don’t have to get up and go, we can take the time to slow down. Listen to the whispers of the spirit, universe, or God.

Being—learn to be present, creative, and in the moment. Be in the now

Relaxationfind calm without the addictions that once plagued our body and mind.

Willingness—stay open to the unfolding.

Patience—this isn’t going to happen on our terms.

Flow—like the ocean, we must ride the waves without getting taken by them.

Connection—to ourselves, or with others. Connect, heart to heart. 

Perseverance—take one moment at a time.

Surrender—let go of control!

Belief—trust that all is well and happening for good reason.

Faith—pray, meditate, allow the higher power to guide the way.

Service—when feeling helpless, help others.

None of us are going to come out of this as the same person. The only unchanging constant is change itself. Now, at least we can be present during the process.

It’s not about the destination, it’s about who we get to become.


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Denise Michelle Waling  |  Contribution: 1,555

author: Denise Michelle

Image: Jez Timms/ Unsplash

Editor: Kate Force

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