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January 26, 2021

How to pass some Quarantine time

Photo by Taryn Elliott on Pexels.

In all of this going on in the world right now, I’m sure many people are having anxiety. I struggle with anxiety it’s been so bad before I wouldn’t leave my house. I believe anxiety is crippling, exhausting, and just hard on one’s body. We continue to put people down in life who struggle with this, I agree you can get through it, and for some, it takes much longer to get through these things. I know from personal experience people aren’t always the nicest to people who are suffering in it. I understand people don’t always express their levels of anxiety and they do get hurt and some people do take their life from it. It is a truly horrible cycle; I hope in talking more openly about the anxiety, we can get through it in the best way.
But in saying all of that, anxiety during this time is going on. You’re scared to leave the house, go get food, and even go visit your doctors who keep you healthy. We are always looking over our shoulders to see who needs to be checked on next in the families and it’s very hard. Not to mention the parents staying at home and the kids out of school. You’re all probably freaking out because your teaching isn’t the same as their teachers and you’re probably wondering if your kid is doing good, or how to keep them entertained for longer than five minutes without feeling like a bad parent for giving them a tablet. We aren’t bad parents for not knowing, because things happen. This virus happened, now kids can’t go play down the road, go to school, or anything involving being social. It’s hard especially if you work and your kid wants to go outside and play. I mean how do you keep saying, “No” without feeling bad at all?
So, during these crazy times, let’s focus on the positive, how we are going to get through this, and what steps we can take to do so.

1. Down Dog: yoga app free for all Students K-12 and College kids,
2. Peloton: Fitness app. It’s free for 90 days
3. Noggin: Kids learning app. Free for 3 months from starting point.

4. Audible: is offering free audiobooks for children while stuck inside.
5. Door Dash, Uber Eats, PostsMates, and many more have offered no contact delivery and free delivery fees.

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