January 30, 2022

A Simple, Realistic Way to Overcome Anxiety—from Sadhguru.

Those who know me well enough agree that I google the word “anxiety” up to five times a day.

I have anxiety, obviously, and one of the ways that helps me overcome it is by watching videos and reading posts about it.

Every once in a while, I come across some really good content that’s worth sharing with the world. Yesterday, while doing my online research, a video by Sadhguru on YouTube came up.

I mean, come on, this is Sadhguru. And he’s talking about anxiety? I knew I needed to watch it.

It goes without saying that Sadhguru’s words were cathartic. I laughed. I listened. I nodded in agreement. I paused. I reflected. I replayed.

As someone who’s tried different techniques to cope with anxiety, I can assure you that Sadhguru’s way is realistic, simple, true. He says letting go doesn’t work when it comes to dealing with anxiety. He knows anxiety is much more complicated than a few spiritual terms.

I actually smiled when he said, “You have anxiety, try to let it go, does it go? Even a flu, damn flu doesn’t go. Yes or no?” Then continued, “So, let’s not get into this fanciful states of surrendering, these are all words thrown around.”

Instead, he offers an extremely doable solution—the only solution we actually have.

May it be of benefit!


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author: Elyane Youssef

Image: YouTube

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