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February 13, 2022

Self introspection is important

Photo by Eternal Happiness on Pexels.

You don’t live in this world alone. There are times when you need the help of others so learn to pay attention to each other and help each other. If you only come to someone when you need their help and then you forget about them when you don’t need them, have you ever thought if you were in their position? How would you feel being treated like that?

It wasn’t just that they were silent and then they had no problem with them being treated like that, it was possible that they had god-level patience that allowed them to understand such treatment. It could also be that they are people who have a good heart so they can understand your treatment.

Trust me, karma does exists. If you treat other people well then one day the good deed you do will come back to you when you really need it, although maybe other people will come to you to help you. It hurts when someone has tried their best to help you but you forget all their help.

When you come back to them and you act like it’s normal and you expect them to continue to help you, everything has a limit. Not everyone helps you because they expect something in return from you, there are certain people and it’s rare who really want to sincerely help others because that’s their nature.

If one day you feel that you are being treated unfairly and you feel that no one is helping you, have you ever introspect? could you do the same thing before? Could it be that you used to treat people around you like that? It could be because our own attitude causes us to be treated badly by others.

It hurts to introspect, especially to find our flaws and mistakes and sometimes it’s not easy to admit all of that. Don’t always look for other people’s faults because it’s not necessarily those who intentionally treat us that badly, it could be that we are the ones who are wrong, it’s just that we forget that we have been bad, either to them or to someone else….

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