March 31, 2022

Aries New Moon: Bringing 7 notable Changes & Badass Transformations.


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Whether astrology is science or magic, we’re open to most things, if they may be of benefit. ~ Ed.


This April 1st, 2022, there will be a New Moon in Aries.

So, what does that mean?

If you’re someone who follows the stars and the moon phases, you will definitely be tuned into the energetic shifts that all of those things bring to the table. This is certainly true for when we move into different astrological seasons, equinoxes, and moon phases.

Though each season always brings about it some form of change, this one brings about pretty fantastic things in particular.

The reason this stands out for many people is that for a lot of us, the energetic shifts of this Aries New Moon are going to literally catapult us into a brand spanking new season of absolutely incredible things. Yes!

We are talking full out cycles closing out and quick turn of events that will land you smack dab in the middle of all the things you have been manifesting. It is time for all of you baddies to finally recognize that you are in fact a major badass, and to finally start utilizing all the skills and lessons you have learned thus far.

This is truly a tremendous time for so many of us.

I am genuinely so excited for all of us who will be levelling up in gigantic ways in the next little while. You worked hard for this. You earned this. It’s yours.

Letting go of your past karmic cycles will feel liberating and like you can finally stretch out in your own skin as who you are, and no longer living within the confines of a paradigm that belongs to someone else, a paradigm that has been shaped by all of the trauma responses that were carried down in your lineage.

So shake off that old, crusty energy that’s been super grody, sludgy, and holding you back. Instead, move forward proudly as you recognize your power, your worth, your wisdom, and your divine wholeness. You will begin to notice many different changes in your energy field that have actually begun right around or just before Aries season started.

Here are some of the changes you will have noticed:

>> You have been shifting your focus to yourself.

>> You have been cleaning and clearing your home space both physically and energetically.

>> You have started taking better care of your physical and mental health and prioritizing yourself.

>> You have been setting boundaries, distancing yourself from the things that are not for you, and using your voice a lot more.
Cycles and certain timelines will be completing so there will be some endings in your life. Some will feel exhilarating and others might hold more grief. Have grace for yourself during this time.

>> You will feel much more inclined to try new things.

>> You will start to have more joy flowing in as your heart chakra continues to open and clear.

>> You will feel drawn to be outside more, and for those of you who are more introverted, you may actually feel more inclined to be around people.

Though it might seem like some of these changes feel big and they might greatly differ from what you’re ordinarily used to, you will also feel incredibly supported to jump straight into all of them. This is all thanks to the Aries energies that are pushing us along.

Aries are known for their forward and bold moves. They are go-getters that will reach for the stars and are not afraid to balance on that shaky limb to grab hold of something they want, even though it is out of reach. They are determined and focused, and it is in their nature to be quite the optimist. They will seek out the pleasures of life and prefer joyful and fun experiences. This energy is ideal for when we are embarking on new beginnings, and we will waste no time in using this incredible and resourceful energy that coincides with the major shifts that are occurring on our planet right now.

Some things to do during this time to assist you during these shifts are to rest, hydrate, journal, move your body, and take deep breaths often.

It’s a good idea to do some grounding, but this energy is more about doing than anything else, so have fun with it!

Go out there and make stuff happen like the badass that you are! Other than that, remember to just enjoy this incredible energetic shift that will lead you toward really great things.


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author: Giuseppina Barberi

Image: mystical.innk/Instagram

Editor: Michelle Al Bitar

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