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March 29, 2022

Before pointing at someone else, try to reflect on yourself

People like this always amaze me. They can say everything, promise everything but quickly forget their own words. Maybe these kinds of people are people who can’t make up their own mind. Five minutes of saying this and ten minutes later their words were the exact opposite from what they said before.

I just can’t stop thinking, they can judge or assume about other people but they don’t want to introspect on themselves. Let’s just say they’re in a bad situation. They are busy blaming others instead of checking at themselves.

For them the main thing is themselves. If their satisfaction has been achieved then it’s over. There was nothing else for them to care about instead themselves. They can say they care, but in reality their act shows the opposite.

If these people hope that other can continue to be able to deal with them, to keep understand them,  I don’t think they will be able to accept rejection and separation especially if they feel that they still need that person.

They will think that other should not leave them, do everything they know how so that person doesn’t leave them  or maybe turn to blame the person. They forget to find the reasons why other chose that path.

But when they have found their new satisfaction, toy or replacement, they will quickly forget someone they thought they would never be able to let go. I think it’s funny because they can act that careless but they don’t want other to treat them the way they treat other.

For them, what they do is natural because they never want to put themselves in other people’s shoes. They just ignore it all and only focus on their own point of view. But when one day other are no longer able to deal with them, choose to walk away, act indifferent or maybe explode and treat them badly, they will not be able to accept that and think that the other is too much or overreacting. .

If one day you are treated badly by someone, learn to ask yourself that first, before pointing to someone else. It could be that you are the reason why you are treated like that. It’s possible that in the past you were the one who hurt other, it’s only you forgot that you treated them badly.

I agree as humans, we are always making mistakes but over time, we get older, at least learn from mistakes that we have done in the past  and don’t do the same like what we have done in the past because we will ended up regret in the future.

The way we treat people then one day it will come back to us again even though we don’t know when it will happen. So don’t rush to blame other people, maybe we ourselves have done something like that in the past so we have to accept that kind of treatment.

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