April 2, 2022

9 Yung Pueblo Quotes on Relationships that Jolted me Awake.


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There’s no perfect relationship.

I think we all know this by now. Trying to sculpt the perfect partner is like trying to hold water in our hands without letting it slip. Impossible.

Although we can never find the perfect partner or the perfect relationship, we can end up with perfect results—every single day—if we’re willing to do the work.

What I particularly love about Yung Pueblo‘s work is that he shows us how to do the work. He gives us the answers to questions we thought we could never answer.

These nine quotes that Pueblo shared on his Instagram and Twitter accounts jolted me awake:

1. “A connection goes nowhere unless both of you have enough emotional energy to properly invest in the relationship. A lot of connections stay superficial because there is still unconscious emotional exhaustion from what happened before you met. The right timing makes a difference.”

2. “Find a partner who understands that deepening their healing and expanding their emotional maturity helps them love you better. When you both realize that going inward is the key to building outer harmony, it elevates your relationship into a new and brighter stage.”

3. “We allow ourselves to love because it’s worth the risk. Even though there is the chance of loss or hurt, we take the leap again and again because love is one of the best parts of being alive. We don’t do it because it’s easy, we do it because connection makes everything brighter.”

4. “Even if the connection is strong, is there enough emotional maturity between the two of you to build a home together? Do your levels of commitment to expanding self awareness and healing past patterns match? This is not about perfection, this is about being ready to grow.”

5. “Find someone who can accept you as you are but also inspires you to evolve because they take their own growth seriously.”

6. “A mature partner will embrace your ups and downs. They know that some days are harder than others and that it’s not possible to feel your best every day. What they care about is that you’re being the real you with them. They don’t rush you to be happy; instead, they give support.”

7. “There is no shortage of people who ended a new relationship with great potential because they were unconsciously attached to perfection. Running away when slight friction occurs is a sign of being emotionally unprepared. Great relationships are built, they don’t come ready made.”

8. “Your relationship has reached a deeper level of emotional maturity when you both stop trying to win during an argument and instead focus on understanding each other’s perspectives.”

9. “Finding the right partner can make life beautiful, but only if you add to that beauty by doing your own inner work.”


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