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November 19, 2022

Nobody will push you; just keep walking at your own pace!

Are you self-sufficient?
Are you organised in your daily tasks?

Are you a self-starter?
Are you paying attention to your thoughts?

If you answered yes, you’ve already crossed the bridge.
If not, this is the piece for you…

What is it in your head that is occupying your mind-space and prodding you more frequently? Listen to the response and consider why you haven’t finished it yet. We have been trained to think a lot before we listen to our thoughts. We double-check it in our heads first, then consider the execution. Maybe we ask for other people’s opinions because we are unsure of ourselves.

Why aren’t we self-sufficient?
Because we have been told to do these things since we were children. We’re being told to do things. We always have someone to assist us in getting things done. However, in order to learn how to be self-sufficient, one must first learn to do things for oneself. Begin by planning a day, sticking to a schedule, planning your meals, or simply learning how to organise your home. Try to broaden your thoughts in the smallest actions you perform on a daily basis. Try to put some effort into whatever you do, and think without bias. Think for yourself!

Are you organised in your daily tasks?
Every day, we are all preoccupied with something or other. While finishing our daily chores, we keep saying, “I am busy.” And we forget to manage our time so that we can finish that work. Finally, we were unable to find time to do the things we truly enjoy. And the cycle never stops. To get organised in day-to-day chores, one must first learn to organised one’s thoughts before moving on to actions. Plan your day by prioritizing your actions.

Are you self-motivated?
Have you tried following ‘Quote of the day’ or ‘Motivational lines’ on social media? If you really put some quotes into action, it has the power to change your perspective. For example, ‘Dreams don’t work unless you do’ – if you read this, you should immediately begin acting on your dreams. ‘Believe in yourself,’ is the most commonly used phrase, and if you read this, believe in yourself. Simply go with what you find motivating!

Are you paying attention to your thoughts?
We sit back and wait for something to come to us. Or you can wait for an opportunity to present itself. But, darling, stop waiting and start walking to something. It will be easier to organised your thoughts if you learn to communicate with your own mind. When your mind is a mess and you have a million thoughts racing through it, just listen to the most powerful one. What is that one voice that keeps trying to tell you something and won’t stop until you start listening? So start listening to that lovely voice inside your head.

Remind your self everyday – Nobody will push you; just keep walking at your own pace!

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