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November 1, 2022

Wear Comfort as jewelry, but know where to take it off!!

We’re all caught up in the layers of something that has already been followed by those around us. Preexisting notions are what prevents them from trying something new. Reading, writing, listening, and walking are all natural activities that have become valuable over time. People complain about not having enough time, but they don’t try to figure out where they’re wasting their time.


There is a narrow line between what is comfortable and what is appropriate for everyone to wear as jewelry. Every time we meet someone for the first time, their comfort is the only factor that matters. The other individual won’t ever recall your skin tone or the clothing labels you’re wearing. How reassuring those events were will have a significant impact on their mindset and behavior. 


It is human nature to seek safety and security in one’s comfort zone. To be in that zone, however, we invite danger—the danger of not crossing the line and remaining in the same cocoon for the rest of our lives. From childhood to adulthood, everyone advises or guides us on what to do in life, which leads to us not thinking for ourselves. “Comfort” – the word itself appears to be very comforting, and everyone embraces it wholeheartedly. But no one teaches us where to wear that piece of comfort as a jewelry and where to take it off and leave.

It is solely the responsibility of the individual to discover how, where, and why to leave their comfort zone while still remaining in it. A person and a comfort, it always acts as a magnet. I believe that most of the time, comfort should be used most of the time to ease a situation or make a person feel at ease. However, we misinterpret comfort as a state to constantly be in. I really believe that one should strive to acquire this trait and understand how to use that zone.


Again, nobody will ever teach you this, so in this case, follow your conscience. You’ll eventually learn to get out and you’ll discover something beautiful about the Comfort zone.


So, it’s fine to wear comfort as a piece of jewelry, but practice and learn when to remove it and embrace discomfort. It will undoubtedly lead you down a lovely life path.




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