June 27, 2023

6 Core Traits of a Healthy Friendship.

It is easier to have friends when we’re younger.

We even think that quantity is greater than quality—the more, the merrier.

However, when we start growing, we realize that we need to focus on certain connections, specifically the ones that bring happiness and meaning into our lives.

I may have lost some friends in my 20s, but I’m blessed to have sticked with the ones who truly matter in my 30s.

Here’s everything you need to know about what makes a true friend stand out:

1. Unmatched support. Whatever we do, choose, feel, or think, a true friend supports us no matter what. They’re nonjudgmental and will respect our choices against all odds. Also, whatever we may need, they will always be there—even in our failures.

2. They stay in touch. Just like romantic relationships need consistency to thrive, friendships need that too. You may not stay in touch on a daily or even weekly basis, but you will check in with each other every now and then. Even if life takes you in the opposite direction, you will find a way to maintain the connection.

3. They’re good listeners. A true friend is interested in what you have to say, even if it doesn’t make any sense to them. They want to make you feel validated and may even help you to see your problems in a new light.

4. They’re loyal—to you, your secrets, your choices, and your stories. They will stand by you when times are tough and won’t leave your side even when you’re at your worst.

5. No jealousy. No matter how successful or happy or fulfilled you become, a loyal friend will never be jealous of your success or achievements. In fact, they believe in your potential and may even help you to reach your highest goals

6. You trust them. Throughout the years, a true friend has proved themselves to be worthy of your trust. You feel it and you know it’s true.

How many true friends do you have? Keep them close, appreciate them, and never take them for granted.


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Elyane Youssef  |  Contribution: 303,840

author: Elyane Youssef

Image: Elle Hughes/Pexels

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