June 17, 2023

A Healing Ritual to Pull Yourself out of a Bad Mood.

I’ve been feeling more tired than usual.

I just want to lay in bed all day and ignore the hundreds of tasks I have on my to-do list. But, of course, I can’t. I need to get up, wear a smile on my face, and make the most of my day.

I understand that bad moods don’t come out of nowhere. Instead of trying to instantly improve my state of mind, I like to put into practice a ritual that has always helped me throughout the years.

We may think that the quickest solution is to ignore a bad or low mood and be positive, but that’s not actually good (or healthy). Suppressing our feelings is dangerous and can lead to various mental and emotional issues.

While I know that I may not be able to snap out of my negative state of mind immediately, I’d like to believe that my body and mind will heal at the right time, with the right practice.

May this personal ritual help you to overcome your gloomy state of mind:

1. Let your mood be. I’ve realized that the more I fight my low mood, the more intense it gets. Whatever you’re feeling right now—anger, sadness, or discomfort—don’t fight it. Acknowledge what you’re feeling and take the pressure off yourself. We often underestimate the healing power of being true to ourselves. Stay real and don’t pretend that everything’s fine. If you don’t feel great, acknowledge that you don’t feel great. If you feel like crying, please cry.

2. Look for the cause. Get honest with yourself. Instead of pushing away your negative state of mind, try to find what has caused it. Even if there’s no reason at all, acknowledge that you’re simply having a rough day and wait for it to pass. Figuring out what has triggered our bad mood can help us to make the necessary changes that might cheer us up.

3. Do something that makes you feel better. Gardening, cooking, or drawing usually makes me feel good. What makes you feel good? What gets you into a meditative state? When we do something that we love, our intrusive thoughts naturally decline. If you’re familiar with meditation, taking a few deep breaths can also help.

4. Make space for your good mood. We often get attached to our low mood and find it difficult to break the pattern of sadness or anger. Embrace the progress you’re making, even if it’s slow. We might not be able to pull ourselves out of discomfort overnight, but we should be able to not hold onto cynicism or despair.

Remember, having a bad mood is normal, even if it lasts for several days or weeks. You’ve got this.


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author: Elyane Youssef

Image: Zina Zabudkina/Pexels

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