August 10, 2023

An Ayurvedic Kichari Meal for Good Gut Healing. {Recipe}

A clean gut means a clean body, mind, and spirit.

Kichari is considered a staple Ayurvedic one-pot meal.

It is easy on digestion and can be soupy or thick. Fun fact: my chiropractor’s grandmother eats a bowl daily. Typically, I eat it one or two times a week.

Kichari is the choice for the spring and fall cleanses to reset the digestive system and lasts 3 to 10 days. A seamless time when transitioning from the heat of summer to the cool fall season. And, when going from a cold, dry winter to a spring warm and wet season.

Mung beans, whole green or brown, split yellow with the hull removed, and white basmati rice are the main ingredients. However, for a cleanse, choose the split yellow mung beans, which are gentler on the gut. If using the others, add a strip or flakes of kombu to the beans to lessen any gas or bloating,

White basmati rice is also easier on the gastro-intestinal tract. Save all the other grains for different meals.

Spices are key in the Ayurveda food world and add flavor and help add in the six tastes. Aim to get all six tastes (sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter, and astringent) in daily with both food and spice. Your spice rack will grow. I have four spice tins, tiffins with 31 small open stainless-steel jars, and more spices in the cabinet. If you are interested, I wrote a previous article on the six tastes.

Okay, enough yakking, let’s get to the recipe.

The evening before measure the yellow spilt mung into a repurposed glass jar to add boiled water to it at breakfast to soak the beans.

First, remove all cats from the countertops, remove jewelry from fingers, and wrists, and tie your hair back or cover it. Please. Wash those hands, fingers, cuticles, and at least past your wrists. Clean the cleared countertop with a spray of distilled white vinegar and water. Now we are ready to proceed. Was that too bossy sounding?

Think about the upcoming meal while pulling out all the ingredients, pot with lid, cooking and eating utensils, perhaps a potholder (cloth not smoking), and towels. Pull out all food items and spices. Keep checking for lurking curious felines.

Set a mood, soft music, chanting, repeating a mantra, or silence.

Collect all the ingredients in order of use. (Mise en place).


I cook for one human, adjust accordingly.

>> Yellow split mung beans, ¼ cup

>> White basmati rice, 1/3 cup

>> Veggies of choice. Building and nourishing ideas include sweet potato, carrot, zucchini, and yellow squash. Lightening includes celery, cauliflower, asparagus, brussels, greens.

>> Spices for healing the gut and cleansing, including seeds of cumin, coriander, and fennel.

>> Oil: ghee, coconut, sesame, EVOO.

>> Love, gratitude, and kindness.


>> One medium pot with lid or Instant pot, pressure cooker

>> Cooking and eating utensils.

>> Potholder or towel

>> Good attitude and mindful presence


Into a colander add the rice, rinse it with filtered water, add the soaked beans, and rinse thoroughly. Set it next to the pot along with more filtered water and a potholder or towel.

Place water into the pot. Chop all the veggies and greens. Have the spices along with ghee, coconut oil, sesame oil, or extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) nearby. Note: there is no such thing as an extra virgin. Really.

Turn on the stove light, fan, and burner to bring the water to a roaring boil. Add in the rinsed rice and mung and bring it back to a boil. Add in spices. Take pause and smile. Add in the ghee or oil of choice. Smile. Add in the veggies and wish them a happy journey.

Lid on and when it starts to boil, lower heat to medium. Stay nearby, perhaps do a little dance, sing a little song, get down tonight. Sorry, I tend to get carried away; the latter is for evening.

Check the veggies, not too hard, not to soft, but as Goldilocks said, “Just right.”

Near the end, add the greens and lower to a simmer. After about two minutes, turn off the burner, light, and fan in that order. Take a chill break for about five minutes. Then ladle out the masterpiece and enjoy the sights and aromas.

Take your bowl and utensils to a quiet place, looking over outside, or inside plants. Make sure to not have your phone nearby, no news, and no loud music.

Smile and give thanks and gratitude to all of the ingredients, all who had a part of this, and to Momma Earth. Enjoy.

As usual, no critters or Momma Earth were harmed during this and if using ghee, use only from farmers who follow strict ethical means.


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