August 28, 2023

Delightful Plant-Powered “Crab Cakes.” {Recipe}

I was chatting with the Mushroom King as I perused his table filled with exotic shrooms. The non-psychedelic ones.

The lion’s mane caught my eye; its long white strands looking like they have never seen a comb were calling me to purchase them.

I took off a small piece and handed them to Ken. He weighed and bagged them in a brown paper bag, The type my mom used for my lunch all through elementary school, with my name elegantly penned to secure my peanut butter sandwich and apple for me.

I was going to make my nearly famous plant-powered crab cakes and had written up the recipe before. However, this one would have a twist. I wanted a convention toaster oven; the Cuisinart I was eyeing at had one with an air fryer. I do not fry and had no desire for an oil-free one. However, I bought that one and decided to try it on the crab cakes and fingerling tri-colored potatoes.

Blooper alert: I did not take into account the lack of oil to make or cook these beauties. Next time, I will add more Follow Your Heart avocado oil mayonnaise, lemon, and aqua fava. I will delete any filler and preform the patties and place in the fridge for four hours. And I had no idea that air frying speeds the process to double time. Live and learn. I love bloopers because I learn from them. This is one to not “be like Jann” as Waylon says.

So, without further ado, here’s the recipe. Remember to remove curious felines from the kitchen counter, wipe it down, and wash your mitts first.


Gather a medium-sized glass container and lid, mixing spatula, masher, towel, love, cat removal team, and patience.


>> Chickpeas

>> Artichoke hearts in water

>> Mayo

>> Mustard

>> Tamari, low sodium or coconut liquid aminos

>> Lemon

>> Coconut flour, milled flax seed, panko, or bread crumbs

>> Aqua fava as egg replacement

>> Mineral salt, black pepper, kelp, Old Bay

>> Something of your choosing as a side dish; I use fingerling potatoes

>> Two mushrooms, medium sized; I used Lion’s Mane


Double check to see that no curious cats are on the clean countertop. Mise en place all the ingredients in order of use. Drain the chickpeas capturing all the aqua fava in a jar and rinse the beans.

Place whatever amount of chickpeas into the glass container. I cook for one and made two patties. Mash the chickpeas by hand and carefully remover the peel. This is quite Zen and slows down the speed allowing you to enjoy the moment.

Add the wet ingredients first and then the dry and mix thoroughly.

Place the lid on and say goodbye as you place it in the fridge to marry the ingredients together. About two hours should do it. They need time to consummate the wedding vows. Insert wink.

When ready to eat, pull out the dish and the mustard for condiment unless you want ketchup since President Nixon knighted it as a veggie for school cafeterias.

Choice to bake, sauté, or fry. I am not a fan of fried food and had no desire for an air fryer. However, I wanted a larger toaster oven for Daiya’s nine-inch vegan pizzas, which I have not eaten in three or so years. Cravings are strange bedfellows, aren’t they?

So, my new toaster oven arrived yesterday, and it has a convection oven and air fryer. I decided to test drive it today. I had tricolored fingerling potatoes in my Misfits box Wednesday, and they are adorably cute, so I made French fries.

Mold your patties to any size and shape and place in the air fryer or whatever along with the potatoes if using those. Turn it on and check the clock. Wash all the dishes and get out the plates, grab a cloth napkin, and fork and knife. Oh, I made a condiment with mustard; use what pleases you.

Find a pretty and calming place to sit and feast your eyes on the delightful meal. Smell the scents, and give gratitude.

As usual, no critters were harmed and one more small win for this tiny blue marble we call Momma Earth.


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