August 31, 2023

The Good Fight: a Poem for the Exhausted.

10, the flood is rising

I am praying for a sign

Breathlessly I tread

To stay above the water, 9

8, my spirit’s waning

I begin to lose the light

My body is exhausted

How much longer can I fight?

I’m under water, 7

And my lips are turning blue

I close my eyes and in a flash

Remember all that’s true

6, I feel forgiveness

There are lessons in the pain

Longing for a second chance

To live a life’s mundane

5, the clock is ticking

Time is but a fleeting gift

4, I find a reason

And I feel my spirit shift

I gather all my strength

To give the fight another shot

Befriending the resistance

Swimming hard with all I’ve got

I swim for my survival, 3

I swim for my regret

I swim for all the love I’ve known

And love I have not yet

2, I break the surface

Breathe the air and feel the sun

And look ahead to better days

A life worth living, 1.


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Madeline Lillis  |  Contribution: 4,280

author: Madeline Lillis

Image: Sol Fotografías/Pexels

Editor: Lisa Erickson

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