October 25, 2023

Plant-Powered Finnish Goulash. {Recipe}

I was inspired to create my own version of Kathy’s Vegan Kitchen Hungarian goulash after watching her YouTube recently.

I decided to add tofu, sweet potatoes, and carrots, along with hippie dust and Zing Zang Bloody Mary mix. So hence, the name change to Finnish goulash, which does not exist. This dish is filled with protein and dietary fiber, both crucial to building healthy tissues and supporting gut health and assuring good poops. Sorry.

I am going to list what I used; however, in retrospect, when I make this again, there will be changes. In case folks cook while reading, I will note them now. I love tofu and sweet potatoes, but I have been consuming a lot of sweet potatoes lately. I wanted red new potatoes, but they were neglected too long and were soft and mushy. Sadly, they got tossed in the compost bin.

Tofu was used to cover the beans. Since I have also eaten a ton of yellow split mung, black beans, and chickpeas, I opted for tofu, super firm. Not a good choice, it was too soft in texture for a hearty fall/winter meal. Next time, I will use butter beans for their taste and firmness—plus I rarely eat them.

So on with the cooking show; get ready Netflix, I will soon have my own series. Wash your hands, clean the countertops, and get all your supplies and ingredients ready to go and in place of order of use—mise en place.


Pot with lid, chef’s knife, cutting board, potholder, towel, cooking and eating utensils, love, good mood food attitude. Spoon, rest, attitude check, and patience. Bowl for serving and quiet and calm place.


>> tofu or bean of choice: I used Nasoya organic super firm.

>> tomatoes of choice, fresh or canned. I used organic, no salt canned.

>> spices: of choice. I chose thyme, oregano, mineral salt, red pepper flakes, black salt.

>> oil: of your choice. I used extra virgin olive oil.

>> veggies of choice: I chose sweet potato, carrot, green beans.

>> extra: Bloody Mary mix with no alcohol since I had it, hot sauce, hippie dust AKA nutritional yeast.


With clean hands, start cutting your produce. Rinse the beans. Add oil to the pot and any fresh spices. Start cooking for about two minutes then add in the tomatoes, more spices, nutritional yeast, and stir.

Add in the beans, stir, then bloody mary mix if using it. Stir, bring to a boil, lower to medium, and cook it with a lid on for at least 15 minutes.

While it cooks, clean up any dishes, utensils, and wipe down the countertop. Place your napkin and fork at a pretty and calm spot. Say a mantra, sing, or dance. Smile.

Turn off the burner, stove light, and fan. Let it rest on the burner for five minutes. Plate it up and take it to your cozy spot. Remember to give gratitude. Enjoy!

As always, no critters were harmed, so one more small win for this tiny blue planet we call Momma Earth.


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