November 22, 2023

Bloody Mary Sweet Potato Tofu Plant-Powered Chili. {Recipe}

I was watching a YouTube yesterday by Kathy’s Vegan Kitchen and knew I would make this awesome dish.

First stop was Publix to get the ingredients, and they had her favorite Bloody Mary mix, Zing Zang. I added any other needs to Ellie, my stainless steel upright shopping cart. Ellie is my replacement wheels since I sold Scarlett, my car, over a year ago. She and I trekked a lot of miles.

First up, clean the countertop and set out all the ingredients and supplies in order of use. Mise en place saves time since you follow a left to right or right to left order and place items in either the sink or on the counter close to the fridge. Let’s get started.


Pot with lid, potholder, towel for veggies, cutting board, chef’s knife, love, good attitude, strainer for beans if canned, mantra, spatula, small spoon for spices. Bowl, spoon, napkin, good mood food attitude, gratitude.


>> Tofu. I use Nasoya organic super firm.

>> Tomatoes, fresh or canned. I used a no salt canned version, organic.

>> Beans. I had black beans in a can and rinsed them. Any bean will work.

>> Veggies optional: green bell pepper, nutritional yeast (hippie dust).

>> Hot sauce if it pleases you.

>> Bloody Mary mix. I used Kathy’s favorite, Zing Zang.

>> Sweet potato for sweetness, just like you.

>> Spices: ground ginger, turmeric, cumin, mineral slat, black salt, black pepper, coriander seeds.

>> Oil: none or oil of choice. I used California Ranch EVVO.

>> Optional: tortilla chips, avocado, lime. I used Siete grain free chips and made guacamole.


Put the oil, if using, in the pot and when hot, add the tofu. Let it cook about two more minutes; add spices, tomatoes, nutritional yeast. Stir. Add beans, green peppers, sweet potato, and stir. Place the lid on and bring it to a boil. There is an option for vodka, but I have been hard-liquor-free for decades, so my version is virgin.

Reduce heat and cook for 20 minutes. Reduce heat to simmer until consistency meets your approval. I leave mine on the burner with the heat off and wait at least five minutes.

Put it into a bowl with love, find a quiet place to sit, and eat. Remember to give gratitude.


As always, no critters were harmed and one more small win to this tiny blue marble we call Momma Earth.


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