November 9, 2023

Finland’s Winter Holiday Sillia Salad. {Recipe}

With all the holiday cooking shows on Netflix lately, I was reminded of sillia salad, a classic Finnish side dish in December.

I had not made it for years, so it was time to jazz it up my style.

My mom taught me how to make this when I was young. To plant power this one, I left out the hard-boiled eggs and creamed herring. In the past, I made this with vinegar, but I was feeling a sweet tooth after watching a You Tube on Kathy’s Vegan Kitchen. She was making a vegan Caesar salad dressing.

Here’s my take on both.


Large bowl, spatula, towel, chef’s knife, spoon, fork, love, cutting board, gratitude, potholder, pot with lid, good mood, strainer, and lotus opening steamer.


>> Potatoes of choice: I used red new ones

>> Carrots

>> Beets: I used red cooked and cool beets

>> Mayo: I used Follow Your Heart avocado mayo

>> Lemon

>> Ketchup: I dislike, so I went with a wee bit of hot sauce

>> Pickles: I chose sweet butter chip pickles

>> Optional: Avocado


The usual of wash your mitts and clean the countertop. Get everything out and in order of use—mise en place.

Say a mantra, set a good mood food attitude, and smile. Start chopping the potatoes and place them as you go into the steamer of the pot. With its lid on, turn the burner high and get those steamed If you want to do your gut a favor, steam the carrots and beets too. I went cold, not a happy gut feeling. Next time is warm salad.

Otherwise chop all the remaining veggies including the pickles. In the large mixing bowl spoon some mayo in the bottom, add ketchup or substitute, juice of half a lemon, and add chopped pickles unless you used relish.

If doing this version, add the veggies, mineral salt, and black pepper. When the potatoes are done, drain, and add and stir gently to get the dressing coated evenly throughout. Select a bowl or plate, grab your napkin and fork, and settle in a quiet pretty spot.

Remember to give gratitude.

One more small win for Momma Earth and all her sentient beings.


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