December 4, 2023

Loaded Veggie Soup with Surprise Spices. {Recipe}

I like to vary my spices daily to add diversity to my gut. Happy gut, happy life.

For a pre-meal appetizer, try a ginger one. To a small dish, add chopped dime-sized pieces of peeled ginger, squeeze on lime, and top with mineral, pink, or Kosher salt. Chew on each side of the mouth thoroughly and spit it out into the bin. Do this 20-30 minutes before a large meal. It gets the mouth salivating and eager for a tasty meal. Be certain to chew on the sides of the mouth since the salty taste is there, along with sour. Also, the tongue front is a sweet taste, followed by pungent, bitter, and astringent. All six tastes should be eaten daily.


Pot with lid, potholder, chef’s knife, towel, gratitude, spoon, rest, good attitude, blender, kind heart.


>> Veggies: your choice. I had green beans, celery, fingerling potatoes, grape tomatoes, carrots, cauliflower, asparagus.

>> Liquids: water and optional veggie broth.

>> Spices: I chose fresh ginger, burdock root, milk thistle, ground turmeric, mineral salt.

>> Oil: EVVO or your choice.

>> Optional: Nutritional yeast AKA Hippie Dust or Nooch.

*I usually only use water to make soup but wanted a thicker one and used Imagine Organic Veggie Broth. 


With clean hands and counters, mise en place all supplies and food—in order of use. Set a good mood food attitude and being love to the prep. Start chopping the veggies, place the spices in a small bowl, put the oil (just a little) in the pot, and turn on the burner. Add the fresh ginger and other spices and give them about two minutes to start sizzling and smell the wonderful fragrance. Then, add the liquid (broth or water) and veggies and bring to a boil. Turn down to low and let cook until veggies are soft and soup is to taste.

Gently ladle into a bowl and find a cozy, relaxing place to dine. Remember to give gratitude. Enjoy!

As always, no critters were harmed and we score another small win for this tiny blue planet we call Momma Earth.


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