December 19, 2023

Tasty Gnocchi, Shrooms & Tomato. {Recipe}

I recently watched a version of this on Kathy’s Vegan Kitchen and knew I wanted to make it.

I needed gnocchi so off to the grocery store I walked with Ellie, my upright stainless steel shopping cart. Her front basket filled with neatly folded reusable bags and space for a bouquet of fresh flowers.

I always take the main road there, but the residential way home, stopping to see the various trees and listening to the youngsters in the playground, hidden behind tall bushes and black metal fences.

Once home, countertops and hands scrubbed clean, I laid out all my supplies and ingredients in order of use—mise en place.


Pot with lid, optional potholder, spoon rest, patience, chef’s knife, strainer, cooking and eating utensils, serving bowls, gratitude, towel for veggies. And a smile.


>> Veggies: gnocchi, tomatoes, mushrooms, fresh parsley

>> Optional: Hippie dust aka nutritional yeast

>> Spices, I used fresh ginger, oregano, thyme, red crushed pepper, mineral salt

>> Oil: Extra virgin olive oil or oil of choice

>> Liquid: water to boil gnocchi

* I used Flora organic gnocchi, cremini mushrooms and organic grape tomatoes


Put water in the pot, and with lid on, turn the burner to high. Have the gnocchi package open. Chop the mushrooms and tomatoes. I wanted blistered grape tomatoes so only a knife stab or two. It’s fine to use canned, especially if you canned them to keep the prana inside the tomato.

To a skillet, add a little oil of choice and the spices. Turn the burner to medium and after two minutes add the veggies and stir. Once the water is boiling at a rage, add the gnocchi, which will take about three to five minutes and will be done once they rise to the top. Drain and place the pot and lid into the second sink if you have one.

Smile; check the flame under your good food mood. I added hippie dust to the skillet, stirred it, and added the gnocchi. Plate it and add parsley or cilantro. I was out of parsley and forgot to add the thai basil right in front of me in my AeroGarden. Oh well.

Find a beautiful setting to park your bum, smile, give gratitude, and enjoy.

As usual, no critters were harmed, and yet again, my small win for Momma Earth—this tiny blue marble.


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