January 15, 2024

No Oven Vegan (or Gheegan) Shepard’s Pie. {Recipe}

Blooper alerts coming below.

As soon as I saw that Kathy’s Vegan Kitchen was making a vegan Shepard’s pie on her YouTube channel, I got some paper and a pen. Later that day, I bought the ingredients I did not have.

I no longer have a toaster oven and refuse to heat the oven with my stove for one person, so I needed to improvise the crust. I have attempted dosas four times and failed each one—today would be successful. Blooper number one: I forgot to make the dosas.

Blooper number two is a fiasco. I used red, purple, and yellow new potatoes, but I left the skin for the dietary fiber boost. Not peeling them led to dark mashed so I did not cover the veggies completely and the parsley does not show well.

Oh well, otherwise, the dish was great and tasty.


Skillet or two, pot with lid, bowl, plate, love. Potholder, towel, chef’s knife, cutting board, patience. Good mood food attitude, cooking and eating utensils, Masher, lotus opening steam basket, spatula.


>> Vegetables: potatoes, carrots, mushrooms, squash, butter beans, tomatoes, capers, broccolini

>> Oil: EVOO, ghee (optional)

>> Spices: mineral salt, turmeric, ginger, cumin, thyme, oregano

>> Liquid: nut or oat milk

>> Optional: hippie dust aka nutritional yeast, flour or pie crust


Wash your hands and clean the countertops and adjust your mood. Take out all supplies and ingredients and place in order of use—mise en place.

If making a pie crust, gather flour, rolling pin, and create the crust. I do not have a recipe for this step. Bake it after a bit of time in the fridge. If using store bought, follow the instructions on the package. You can also consider layering the bottom of the serving bowl with naan or a dosa.

Chop the potatoes small and steam them with a small amount of mineral salt. While those are steaming, chop all the veggies and place the spices in a small dish.

Remove the potatoes, dump the water, and put the potatoes back in the pot and start to mash. Add plant milk to adjust smoothness and add a little ghee if using. Place the pot with lid in a thick towel. Heat the skillet with a small amount of oil and add the spices and let them sizzle for about two minutes. Add the tomatoes and hippie dust if using. Add the vegetables and stir occasionally until they finish cooking.

Smile and smell the deliciousness arising.

Plate your tasty meal and locate a calming place to dine. Remember to give gratitude. And, smile and enjoy each bite.

 As usual, no critters were harmed and only ghee from happy cows ethically treated were used with love. One more win for Momma Earth.


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