January 9, 2024

Satisfying Sweet Potato & Tofu Tacos. {Recipe}

I eat a lot—a lot…of tofu.

So, I am always exploring new creative ideas to satisfy my palate.

I have numerous recipes using tofu scattered throughout my Elephant Journal account. But lately, I wanted fresh ideas and turned to Purple Carrot. I clicked to open “ingredients” then clicked on tofu and the page opened tons of choices.

I grabbed a pen and scratch paper and perused the photos. Skipping those I had already made in the past, my eye caught two to start with: sweet potatoes and tofu tacos, and mango tofu with quinoa (that one is next week for your reading delight).

So, let’s get cooking. Clean the countertops and scrub your hands. Select all the supplies and ingredients and arrange in order of use—mise en place.


Pot with lid and lotus opening steamer, skillet, cutting board, chef’s knife, and love. Patience, cooking utensils, small glass container with lid, potholder, and towel.


>> Base: taco shells or tortilla chips

>> Veggies: tofu, sweet potatoes, coleslaw, avocado, or guacamole

>> Liquids: Dijon mustard, mayo, tamari, apple cider vinegar

>> Miscellaneous: banana peppers, salt, and pepper


Clean the countertops and wash your mitts. Set out all the ingredients and supplies in order of use—mise en place. Smile and say a little mantra of gratitude as you set a good mood food attitude.

Chop the veggies and place the sweet potatoes cubes on the steamer to cook. Make the coleslaw with shredded carrots and cabbage and prepare the guacamole with avocado and lemon. Season as you like.

Sauté the tofu slices in oil of choice and tamari, soy sauce, or coconut liquid aminos.

Place all the ingredients into the taco shells and perhaps the guacamole on the side.

Plate your food with love and find a chill place to sit and dine in peace. Remember to give gratitude and eat slowly, chewing well, and do enjoy!

As always, no critters were harmed and it’s one more win for this tiny blue marble we call Momma Earth.


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