March 5, 2024

Sweet Pea, Jasmine Rice & Veggie One-Pot New Take on Kichari. {Recipe}

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I eat so much kichari and red lentil dal that I needed a minor change with a big taste.

I scoured the cabinet and found one can of sweet peas; there was no fresh organic at the store. I added it to the kitchen counter with jasmine rice, cauliflower, asparagus, yellow baby squash, zucchini, and a medium-sized carrot.

Instead of all ground spices, I added fresh ginger root. Ghee went on the counter, only sourced from ethically treated cows and bought from a favorite ayurvedic company. This one is Banyan Botanicals, however, FarmTrue and Diyva’s are excellent as well. PS: I get $25 off Banyan as a registered yoga teacher.

Let’s get to work. Clean the countertops, your hands, and get ready. I prefer quiet, but music is helpful for some; some sing, chant, or dance.


Pot with lid, potholder, towel, cooking and eating utensils. Measuring cups, good mood, patience, two strainers, chef’s knife, cutting board, positive attitude.


>> Grain: jasmine rice

>> Veggies: sweet peas, carrot, zucchini, yellow squash, cauliflower, asparagus

>> Oil: ghee, EVOO, or none

>> Liquid: water

>> Spices: fresh ginger, turmeric, black pepper, mineral salt, black salt, cumin seeds. Coriander seeds, brown mustard seeds, saffron threads


Place everything in order of use—mise en place and prepare to start.

Place a large towel on the counter near the sink; add a smaller one. Place one strainer on the smaller towel and the other next to it. Measure the rice and add saffron threads to the one on the small towel, and strain and rinse the sweet peas into the other one. Rinse the rice. Add the sweet peas to the rice and rinse again. Place that strainer with the small towel next to the stove.

Add water to the pot. I used 2.5 cups of filtered water and added some mineral salt.

Add the remaining spices to a small bowl or plate. Chop the veggies into the serving bowl with the lightest on the bottom.

Start the pot on high to bring the water to a boil and then add the rice and peas. Add the spices; add the ghee or oil. Do not stir; just gently push down. Add the veggies and make certain the water covers them; add water if needed. Let it come to a boil, turn to medium and then to low. When the veggies are still crisp, turn off the burner and let it sit five minutes. Smile.

Once done, plate all this goodness and find a soothing place, preferably looking outside, eating outside, or looking at a stunning vase of fresh flowers. Remember to give gratitude.

No critters were harmed so another small win for Momma Earth, this tiny blue marble we call home.


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