May 18, 2024

Portobello Mushroom Open-Faced Sandwich Marinated in Goodness. {Recipe}

{*Did you know you can write on Elephant? Here’s how—big changes: How to Write & Make Money or at least Be of Benefit on Elephant. ~ Waylon}


After watching Kathy’s Vegan Kitchen YouTube on this dish, I knew I needed to make it.

Since the Mushroom King does not sell them, I collected my mushroom recycled zippered bag and walked the mile to Publix grocery store to buy an organic pack of two. I added two bottles of Cavit Pinot Grigio and headed back home.

I needed to wait until the next day so I could create the marinade at 6:15 a.m. and place the Pyrex bowl with it and the shroom in the fridge for a noon lunch. Around 11:31 a.m., I gathered everything from the fridge and cabinets and arranged them on spotless kitchen countertops.

With clean hands and Hamlet napping under the covers of my bed, I set my supplies and ingredients in place—mise en place.

Let’s get started.


Toaster oven, thick towel, plate, utensils, love, potholder.


>> Mushrooms: Portobello.

>> Bread: I used one half of a pretzel roll, any will do. This one had high protein and dietary fiber count.

>> Veggies: spring mix or any, microgreens (I had broccoli, collards, turnip, brussels sprouts, radish, tomato), and any else you desire.

>> Marinade: EVOO, balsamic, lemon, coconut liquid aminos or tamari or soy, tahini, salt, black pepper.


Make the marinade about two to twenty-four hours ahead of time and keep it in the fridge. In a jar with a fork to whisk or a blender of sorts, add in order: EVOO, balsamic vinegar, lemon juice, salt, black pepper, tahini. If using a blender, first put water in it. Cover and let it chill.

Clean the inside of the shroom cap by scrapping out the gills with a spoon; wipe it down with a damp paper towel, inside and outside. Place the cap inside up on a baking pan lined with parchment paper, or not. Fill it with the marinade and bake at 425 degrees for about 10 minutes. Gently pour the liquid into the bowl, flip the portobello, and brush marinade on the cap top. Place back in the oven for another 5-7 minutes.

Take the roll and add avocado or mayonnaise to it—when I use mayo, I use Follow Your Heart; it’s vegan. Add all the greens, tomato, and whatever else you desire. Plate it. Find a spot to park yourself to slowly eat, chewing thoroughly, and stop at your first and only burb. Just like your infant.

I keep two to four flower arrangements that get changed every two weeks. I like to place my meal in front of one and rotate the vase for a change of scenery. I would take it outside to one of the park benches, but Florida fire ants are tiny but fierce.

Park your tushy and remember to give lots of gratitude.

Per our usual, no harm came to any critter, nor Momma Earth. One more win for our tiny blue planet we call Momma Earth. Remember folks, worldwide we only have 60 more years of useable soil. Please act responsibly. Thank you.


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