June 21, 2024

Tasty King Trumpet Oyster Mushroom “Scallops” with Edible Flowers. {Recipe}

{*Did you know you can write on Elephant? Here’s how—big changes: How to Write & Make Money or at least Be of Benefit on Elephant. ~ Waylon}


I went to see James (@freedomfungi on Instagram) and bought a large king trumpet oyster shroom to make two scallops.

Then I walked to the TopNotchMicrogreens.com booth to buy broccoli microgreens and a few edible flowers.

I was so excited and wasted no time getting home to prepare this meal. I had pictured it in my mind for a couple of weeks but always got to the booth a little bit late to find the mushroom I needed sold out. His exotic shroom business has gotten quite popular.

Time to clean those countertops and scrub our mitts and put on a good mood food attitude. Mise in place all the needed supplies and ingredients and prepare for a pretty and tasty treat.


Sauté pan, pot with lid, strainer, towels, smiles. Cutting board, chef’s knife, potholder. Cooking and eating utensils, bowl or plate or both. Jar with lid to soak lentils. Patience.


>> Grain: I used white jasmine rice

>> Bean: Red lentils for me

>> Veggies: King trumpet oyster mushroom, edible flowers, any others you desire

>> Oil: I used plain and toasted sesame

>> Spices: Kelp. Old Bay, salt, pepper


In the early morning, add boiled water from your tea kettle to the jar with the lentils and cover. It needs a few hours. When ready to prepare, measure the rice into the strainer and rinse.

Add the rice and lentils to boiling water and keep an eye on it. Chop the shrooms to look like scallops and place into the pan heated with oil. Add the spices to coat the pieces. Check on the pot. Once ready, plate the lentil and rice mix onto a plate or in a bowl. Tenderly add the scallop on top. Artistically add edible flowers.

Time to pick a sunny spot that is calming and in front of the vase of freshly cut flowers. Smile and give gratitude to this meal. Enjoy!

As usual no critters were harmed and it’s one more small save for this tiny blue marble we call Momma Earth.


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