October 31, 2024

I Need to Write…How about You?


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{*Did you know you can write on Elephant? Here’s how—big changes: How to Write & Make Money or at least Be of Benefit on Elephant. ~ Waylon}


I thought I was living in the present, however…there is so much chaos in my grey matter that needs to be realized and made sense of, or not.

From an ayurvedic perspective, I am Vata/Pitta. I am chatty, talk fast while flailing my arms and hands in a crazy manner. I get excited at the simplest of things—a new bloom on my orchid, Hamlet following the sun during his afternoon naps, a yellow hibiscus on the tree outside.

My Pitta is my structured, disciplined side. My organizational approach to life is evident in my four-hour plus morning routine from bathroom tasks, Hamlet, making breakfast for me, meditation, breath work, exercise, morning walk, list of to-do stuff for the day using black, red, and purple ink to keep it easy to read and remember.

Writing or editing daily keeps my mind less cluttered for at least half the day. Writing starts with reviewing and revising my daily to do list and jotting down working titles or ideas for future pieces in my green and red composition book. I prefer eco-friendly. I put a black dot next to the ones started, two dots for ready, and a circle with the date and where I published it.

How I long for the letters and word styles of the British and Canadians. They get extra letters—u comes to mind, so favorite is favourite…so lovely! They get soft letters instead of our sharp ones so that our “z” is their “s.” It does not seem fair.

Then there is the pronunciation and word choice. Cars have bonnets and apartments are flats. They collect folks from the train station, or the tube.  Basil is bah-sil, oregano is ore-eee-gahno.  I delight watching the Great British Baking shows on Netflix and smiling when the cooks list their ingredients.

Perhaps it’s time I started writing in a new way.

My passion for words started as a six-year-old making up stories to enact on my back porch for the neighborhood children; in third grade, I presented some to the first graders. My diary days started at age eight and changed to writing poetry at 13. Journaling in my late 20s (and still today) allowed me to vent.

Then work met business and technical writing and I was eager to embrace my creative side in January 2019 with my first Elephant Journal Academy. I write vegan articles, poems, and articles about grief and joy. I write about my cats…lots written there. I write about death and dying. Ayurveda and yoga also round out my genre, but lately I also write about the past from my childhood in the 50s, teens in the 60s, 20s in the seventies, and my life through 1989.

Not certain what’s next and that adds a mystery that will one day happen. I remain grateful to Elephant for a chance to return to the past.

I need to write…how about you?



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