October 10, 2024

Why {& How} to Live with a Cat.

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I worry about the cats living in lackluster conditions with humans who do not care, or most likely, believe the cat myths perpetuated by folks who hate cats. Sadly, these myths have floated around for centuries.

I have pondered this for weeks; my cat is my best friend and confidante. I asked him his ideas on this nonsense and, between us, we came up with reasons why and how to live with a cat.

Below is our combined list:

>> Cats are intelligent.

>> Cats are curious.

>> Cats have a high level of hearing and will go on alert if someone is approaching.

>> Cats are loving and loyal.

>> Cats need you around, none of the going away for a weekend, stay home or take them with you.

>> Cats want to be brushed every day.

>> Cats need to see you clean their food and water morning each morning and give them measured food and room temperature filtered water.

>> Cats need their litter box scooped out a few times daily and the litter scoopings disposed of.

>> Cats need you to tell them when you leave the home where are you going, why, and how long will you be gone.

>> Please do not place their litter box near their food and water.

>> Name your home so when leaving for more than 10 minutes you can let them know she will be watching over them. My apartment is named Alana.

>> Toys—cats need play and stimulation. Lots of toys with and without cat nip. Safe toys, no easy to bite off pieces.

>> Cat bed: needed to house the toys. Your feline will removed any to cuddle down to sleep.

>> Organic sweet wheatgrass. If they vomit more than a few times, remove it. I liked to grow my own and they loved watching it grow. I removed it when vomiting got worse as they aged.

Hamlet (shown in the picture above) and I would love to hear if you have any other helpful tips.

Please adopt or rescue, and more is happier. Cat, dogs and birds love to live together, they are so much more compassionate than some people. Save a life—including yours.


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Janice Dolk  |  Contribution: 427,105

author: Janice Dolk

Image: Personal Image

Editor: Molly Murphy

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