November 12, 2008

UPDATE Olbermann video: Redefining Marriage is a Good Thing. As Racism ebbs, Bigotry flows. [Three States strike down Gay Marriage, a black lining on last night’s silver clouds] [Jon Stewart: “Free at Last, Free at Last—whoah, where you two goin’?!”?

“It was a great victory,” said the Rev. James Garlow, senior pastor of Skyline Church in San Diego County and a leader of the campaign to pass the California measure, Proposition 8. “We saw the people just rise up.”

Click here for more.

Jon Stewart: “If you like your injustice tinged with a little irony, 69% of African-Americans supported Prop 8 in California”:


I’m a knee-jerk liberal, and I don’t normally like to watch Olbermann—too strident. But with thanks for the tip to Bryan Bowen, Keith hits the nail of silliness on the head in this one, jolly good show!

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