July 2, 2008

Walnut Cafe (Southside) makes great waffles (and politics).

I bike every day, so it’s awfully hard to get me out of downtown Boulder…but the other day I finallllly honored a generous invitation from Julia of the hip/yummy/progressive Walnut Cafe/Southside and Caroline (our ad sales manager, soon moving to Boston), Heather (our editor) and I went and had a little pow-wow and a lot of Southside’s famous fabulous waffles. The place is open, old-brick-walled, hip, and has a sign in the entrance welcoming folks of all sexual persuasions…a too-unusual sight that made us feel right at home (we’re all about equal rights for all individuals here in elephantland, hey?!).

Bottomline: they’re good people. The food is amazing, and affordable. We’re going back—especially come summer time when they’re one lovely bike ride between Eldo Springs Pool and my home—and in the meantime, please check it out for yourself: supporting good folks has never been yummier, or more filling.

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