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February 6, 2023

Listen to the Blank Canvas

Feeling a little disconnected from your inner voice? That’s okay, we’ve all been there! Our society puts a lot of emphasis on using our brains to make decisions, but the truth is, sometimes our gut instincts are way wiser. That’s what we call intuition – it’s the voice that’s always there, even if it feels a little distant. And you know what? That’s totally normal. But it’s time to get reacquainted with your inner guide.

Think back to when you were a kid – remember how you used to create art just for the sake of it, without any pressure or expectations? That was a time when you were connected to your intuition, your inner voice. Unfortunately, as we grow up, we start to prioritize practical tasks and forget about the importance of purposeless play. We spend more time on passive leisure and less on active leisure, leading to lower energy, psychological distress, and missing out on meaningful experiences.

So, how do we get back in touch with our intuition? The answer is simple: by tapping into our creativity! When we approach a blank canvas or piece of paper, we don’t need to make it into something specific – we just need to listen. That’s the whole essence of bringing art to life – listening to our inner voice. And you know what? Making mistakes and having accidents is a good thing – it leads to fresh inspiration and helps us incorporate changes into our creative process.

Psychiatrist Donald Winnicott once said that the aim of psychological healing is to bring people from a state of not being able to play to a state of being able to play. And that’s what we’re going to do here – we’ll work with spontaneity, play, and imagination to get in touch with our intuition. The ultimate outcome? A deep sense of self-trust, mind-body-spirit alignment, and being open to inspiration. So, let’s get started!

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